Discover Morocco ( Full payment )

Discover Morocco ( Full payment )


We are excited you’ve decided to join us on this journey !

August 26- September 3rd

8 days /7 nights.

Pay in full - $1500 OR payment plan 300$ monthly starting APRIL.

DAY 1- arrival/ Check in . Dinner and welcoming

Day 2- Self Exploration , Breakfast ,unique shopping experience and lunch , Marrakech night life

Day 3- breakfast and day trip with a seafood lunch .

Day 4-breakfast, travel to Agafy for glamping and dinner with a live show.

Day 5- breakfast, road trip to FEZ, tour and dinner

Day 6&7 - travel to Chefchaouen, dinner, hiking through waterfalls and Gods Bridge, lunch and night out of the town.

Day8- breakfast, check out , head to tangier for a final fun evening ( Lunch included )

Here you have the option to take the ferry to Spain or driver takes you to fly back home ( only driver included )

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